segunda-feira, 22 de novembro de 2010

A nova Erika e Evento de Fim de Ano na Dreamingdoll - Im not a Toy

A minha amada DreamingDoll lança uma nova menina , Elva line Erika, com 58 cm pode ser encomendada em resina White ou normal Skin, ela vem com olhos de vidro e peruca. Junto com esse lançamento a empresa tb está começando um evento de Natal e Ano Novo;

Recadinho DreamingDoll:

Dreamingdoll X-MAS & New Year Special Event


1. Period : November 22, 2010 ~ January 31, 2011

2. Target : Customers who order our dolls during the event period.

3. Event content

Event 1. Random Clothing.
Gifts including clothes for all doll.
(Head & Body part is except in the event that includes costume)

Event 2. Lottery
Events within a period of orders of elva-type,
Through lottery 4 people(December = 2 people, January = 2 people) will be sent [SOSO] or [MIMI] or [BOBO].

Event 3. Additional Points
The event period to earn a add 4% point.

If you have futher inquiries, please contact us via Q&A board.

We always appreciate your support and love for our dolls.

Thank you. have a nice day.

Im not a toy Blog

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