quarta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2011

Fim dos Minimees (por enquanto) - Im not a Toy

Hoje, uma notícia triste corre o mundo dos colecionadores de dolls, pois depois de tornar o sonho de tantos colecionadores uma realidade, Denny Kim da DIM (Doll in Mind) anuncia o fim da produção dos Minimees. Achei muito interessante da parte dele falar sobre o ocorrido de forma clara e sem fortes recentimentos. Ao que consta a equipe Chinesa que trabalhava para ele em breve vai proporcionar seus serviços novamente com uma empresa própria ou com o apoio de uma fabrica Chinesa, mas nada ainda foi confirmado. Enquanto isso esperamos que Denny continue seu belissímo trabalho de estilo tão singular em seus dolls e que encontre o mais breve possível outra equipe de escultores para continuar esse trabalho. 

Recadinho DIM:

Dear Customers,

It’s been for many years since I started minimee service for BJD collectors.

We are sorry to announce that the minimee service is now closed and all the remaining minimee orders

will need to be ended in March.

The minimee team in China has become an independent and we finished this business relationship.

As many of you know, how much time and effort I spent to do this service for more than 5 years but

I am truely sad that I am not able to keep this service without the team in China as they want to keep this

business on their own now.

Perhaps in the future, I might come back with my own team which is being set up in Korea with Korean Sculptors. But it will take time.

I am sure that there will be another BJD company will cooperate with the Chinese team again in near future.

But I just want to tell myself all the effort to make the market, dealing with customers, this service is gone in vain.
I can’t do the service right now, but I hope I could back again with my own team.

Thank you



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